There are 14 Stations of the Cross.
Starting on Ash Wednesday, a new station will be posted every three days, ending on Palm Sunday.

There are 14 Stations of the Resurrection.
Starting on Easter Sunday, a new station will be posted every three to four days, ending on Pentecost.

Station 1: Jesus is condemned to death Prison Reform

Resurrection Station 1: Jesus is raised from the dead

Station 2: Jesus takes up his cross — White Privilege

Resurrection Station 2: Finding the empty tomb

Station 3: Jesus falls for the first time — Environment

Resurrection Station 3: Mary Magdalene meets the risen Jesus

Station 4: Jesus meets his mother — Global Health

Resurrection Station 4: Jesus appears on the road to Emmaus

Station 5: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the cross — Immigration

Resurrection Station 5: Jesus is known in the breaking of the bread

Station 6: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus — Healthcare providers

Resurrection Station 6: Jesus appears to the disciples in Jerusalem

Station 7: Jesus falls for the second time — Economy

Resurrection Station 7: Jesus gives the disciples his peace

Station 8: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem — Women’s Rights

Resurrection Station 8: Jesus strengthens the faith of Thomas

Station 9: Jesus falls for the third time — Education

Resurrection Station 9: Jesus appears by the Sea of Tiberias

Station 10: Jesus is stripped of his garments — Border Separation

Resurrection Station 10: Jesus forgives Peter and commands him to feed his sheep

Station 11: Jesus is nailed to the cross — Systemic Racism

Resurrection Station 11: Jesus commissions the disciples upon the mountain

Station 12: Jesus dies on the cross — Genocide

Resurrection Station 12: The ascension of Jesus

Station 13: Jesus is taken down from the cross — COVID-19 Pandemic

Resurrection Station 13: Mary and the disciples wait in prayer

Station 14: Jesus is laid in the tomb — LGBTQIA+

Resurrection Station 14: The Holy Spirit descends at Pentecost

Each station was researched by one or more members of our church community to help provide the detailed information that has been presented. Are you interested in any of these social justice issues? Do you have additional information or action items that you would like to share? If so, email us at These web pages are a dynamic, active work in progress, just like the people of our community!