Financial News

Financial Update, January 2025

Margaret Howe, Finance Chairperson

And yet again I am the last to submit to Brenda and Kathy. My New Year’s resolution was to get Newsletter article in on time and I have failed at the first opportunity. And again, I had a difficult time getting this article together – its main purpose is finance – however the main purpose of all of this is our commitment to God and our Community and our Congregation and Ourselves. Our 40 Day Prayer – Discernment – Discussion concluded with a Parish worship on December 29th at Highland – a lovely service – a renewal of our Wesleyan Covenant.  I would encourage all of you to take the time to watch (worship) it. A special thank you goes to Linda Mellor and Eileen Daunt who spent so much time preparing this process. Overall, I was very disappointed in the turn out. However, there were positive pieces within the discussions. What will happen next is a process and whether it happens within one or two churches – it impacts the whole Hudson Valley Parish. I think for those who participated much was gained. Let us pray for our continued work together as a Parish.

Finances were certainly a part of the Discernment discussions – even if the words finance and money were not used. Financial sustainability is a core piece of how we will look and function in the next months and years.

In the last Newsletter I indicated we were on target to meet our financial obligations for year 2024. Well, we did. However, that was because our expenses came below expected.

Some things to know:

  • We ended 2024 expenses and income equal.
  • Apportionments were paid in full.
  • Income from the Committed Line was 86% of expected. There were several who did not give what they committed to give – I am not sure why this happened – It has happened before when the church is going through “pains” and “discernment” – people stop giving – until some resolutions have taken place. This hurts more than helps as fixed expenses need to be paid.
  • I encourage you and pray that you will continue to make a financial commitment to New Paltz UMC.
  • Budget for 2025 will be presented in February.
  • Waste Management:
    • We continue to have issues with Waste Management
    • We are in the process of moving to another company and WILL NOT have a big dumpster. Instead, we will have three carts for rubbish and three carts for recycle. They will be labeled. Please make sure all trash bags are “squished” so we get maximum use of the cart. This is a major change for NPUMC – we have had a big dumpster for 40 years. You say this is not financial – well it is – it will reduce the rubbish budget line by more than 50%
    • Costs for garbage and recycle are already very high – not just for us – but for everyone who has to pay
  • You are aware of the lawsuits against the Boy Scouts and many of those suits took place in churches and yes in Methodist churches. Boy Scouts – letter from Bishop Bickerton – to meet the settlement and the amount the NYAC has to pay – every church is being assessed $1855 to cover the NYAC share. The Administrative Council voted to honor the request from Bishop Bickerton and paid the fee. Since this request in the November Newsletter, one of our members gave a gift to cover more than 50% of this fee. THANK YOU.

I continue to encourage the use of our Online Giving System – it is quick and safe and easy to use.  We have tweaked the special giving tiles online so you may be more specific in where you want your money to go. There is also a VANCO Ap!

As most of you are aware New Paltz and Modena are in discussion about a potential merger. A first meeting was had between the two churches and both are gathering the necessary data to review. Of course there is much financial data to collect. Dan Ruback has taken on that duty and  is in the process of putting the New Paltz package together. THANK YOU, Dan! In the meantime the relationship between New Paltz and Modena – financially – is the same as it was when we became a two point charge.

I am really happy that Brenda Beane is now the Financial Secretary (Sharon Roth resigned from the position). Brenda will begin with the January income data. Training is about to begin. Thank you Brenda for saying YES.

From past Newsletters and I repeat – Sometimes my heart is financially heavy and yet my spirit full – right now my heart and spirit are really struggling. So much still continues at NPUMC and yet there is so much to do!  We need to embrace the future and our sustainability here on the corner and as a Parish and as a district and conference to be sure that the light of the United Methodist presence never goes out. We have a huge opportunity in this community – let’s grab hold – let’s talk – let’s listen to ourselves – each other and God. We started our own NPUMC Discernment process a few years ago – and it fell. We need to be intentional about starting it again with enthusiasm – not doom and gloom. It can only help as we continue the merger discussions and the other pieces that have risen from the Discernment process. In my mind it is all part of being living and working United Methodists as we are and make disciples of Jesus Christ.

May we continue to be the children of God creating safe places where ALL are accepted and welcomed, connecting the needs of people to the presence of God and transforming the world through Christ. Let the light always glow brightly on the corner of Main and Grove where EVERYONE continues to be welcomed!

With love, Margaret

Financial Update, November 2024

Margaret Howe, Finance Chairperson

And again, I am the last to submit to Brenda and Kathy. I have had a difficult time getting this article together – its main purpose is finance – however the main purpose of all of this is our commitment to God and our Community and our Congregation and Ourselves. We began a 40 Day Prayer – Discernment – Discussion – I am disappointed by the small response for such a huge issue. I pray you take some time to read the material and respond and come to the weekly discussion event – it is the whole Parish.

Now on to Finance – which will be and should be part of this Discernment process.

Through October we are in decent shape and we are on target to meet our obligations by year end. A couple of things to know:

  • Through 10 months
    • Giving is at 72% of budget
    • Other income is at 82% of budget
    • Expenses are at 71% of budget
    • Anticipate the pledge to Apportionments will be completed in full – the largest amount of Commitment to Apportionments comes in Nov and Dec
    • Encourage all to complete their committed giving for 2024 by the end of the year
    • Any 13th month gifts are always appreciated
  • Waste Management (WM)
    • We continue to have issues with Waste Management and for our church situation they are the only “game in town”
    • PLEASE make sure if you place anything in the dumpster – that the lid is closed properly – if it is not – WM will not pick up the garbage
    • If the recycle bin is full – do not leave bags of recycle items next to it – place for the following week
    • If you have cardboard – at the moment – WM will take if tied – again assuming recycle bin is full
    • Costs for garbage and recycle are already very high – not just for us – but for everyone who has to pay and we expect an additional increase this year.
    • Our dilemma is that other companies require dumpster be brought to the street – we cannot comply with that – now added into the rate for weekly pick up
    • You can be sure that the Trustees and Finance are monitoring this situation
  • Not yet a direct finance item – yet in a way it is – Linda Mellor and I have been in discussion with SUNY Music Dept about their need for concert and rehearsal space as the Music Building will be undergoing major renovations/rebuild in the next year. The Choral Director saw our space and had a trial rehearsal in our space. For choral work –the space is right for one group but not for a combined group. However, it is a great space for small ensembles of choral or instrumental combinations. Our discussion with SUNY Music led to a discussion on a summer music program – with no air conditioning we could not do – let’s talk about it again – 4 mini splits in sanctuary should do it – And would make space usable for some summer programs – Trustees are getting some information and quotes together
  • You are aware of the lawsuits against the Boy Scouts and many of those suits took place in churches and yes in Methodist churches. Boy Scouts – letter from Bishop Bickerton – to meet the settlement and the amount the NYAC has to pay – every church is being assessed $1855 to cover the NYAC share. The Administrative Council voted to honor the request from Bishop Bickerton and will pay the fee. If any of you would like to make a gift towards this payment – please send check or Vanco – in memo space indicate Boy Scouts. The other item in the letter from Bishop Bickerton is the importance of Safe Sanctuary Policy and current background checks for leaders, etc.

I continue to encourage the use of our Online Giving System – it is quick and safe and easy to use.  We have tweaked the special giving tiles online so you may be more specific in where you want your money to go. There is also a VANCO App!

From the last Newsletter and I repeat – Sometimes my heart is financially heavy and yet my spirit full – right now they are both full – and it is – because so much still continues at NPUMC – however we need to embrace the future and our sustainability here on the corner and as a Parish and as a district and conference to be sure that the light of the United Methodist presence never goes out. We have a huge opportunity in this community – let’s grab hold – let’s talk – let’s listen to ourselves, each other, and God.

I am repeating – through this Discernment process we will be looking at how our church buildings are used most effectively as we work in the Cooperative Parish Model – cooperative parishes are good and we can do amazing ministries – they might not look or feel the same – they might cause us the need to stretch out of our comfort zones – however it is all part of being living and working Methodist as we are and make disciples of Jesus Christ.

I will still close with – may we continue to be the children of God creating safe places where all are accepted and welcomed, connecting the needs of people to the presence of God and transforming the world through Christ. Let the light always glow brightly on the corner of Main and Grove where EVERYONE continues to be welcomed!

With love, Margaret

Financial Update, September 2024

Margaret Howe, Finance Chairperson

Here I am yet again the last one to get my article to Brenda and Kathy – at some point they will publish without my Finance News. I am writing this the morning after our first Hudson Valley Parish Quarterly Communion Service. It was a lovely service and there just might be a picture or two in the newsletter. Now on to the business of  FINANCE.

Through August, we are at 56% of the total committed dollars – a bit behind if looking at pure percentages – as we have some givers who give annually towards the end of the year. I do hope that those of you who have made a commitment are keeping up to date and will make your commitment by year end. Thank you for that ongoing gift!

Our budget is on track. The summer months are very low key. Utilities were a bit higher as the hot summer resulted in higher electric costs. Starting in the fall, we will see an increase in our water/sewer bill – cost to get the water out is much more than getting the water in… is the way it is!

I continue to encourage the use of our Online Giving System – it is quick and safe and easy to use.  We have tweaked the special giving tiles online so you may be more specific in where you want your money to go. There is also a VANCO App!

I continue to say I am hoping that during the year we might increase the amount of time our church space is wisely used. 12 Step programs are returning – although they operate differently since Covid. We have some great opportunities.

From the last Newsletter and I repeat – Sometimes my heart is financially heavy and yet my spirit full – right now they are both full – and it is – because so much still continues at NPUMC – Vi Cole Study Group, Knitting Together, Weekly Prayer Hour, Fresh Food Give-a-Way, Food Supplement, Mitten Tree, Taize, Weekly Hymn-a-long, Prayer Blanket Ministry, Bible Studies, Small Group discussions, Anti-racism work, Confirmation Class, Weekly Worship, Tri Church Sunday School Studies, Adult Academy, and whatever might come to us.    

We do and will be looking at how are church buildings are used most effectively as we work in the Cooperative parish model – cooperative parishes are good and we can do amazing ministries – they might not look or feel the same – they might cause us the need to stretch out of our comfort zones – however it is all part of being living and working Methodist as we are and make disciples of Jesus Christ.

I will still close with – may we continue to be the children of God creating safe places where all are accepted and welcomed, connecting the needs of people to the presence of God and transforming the world through Christ. Let the light always glow brightly on the corner of Main and Grove where EVERYONE continues to be welcomed!

With love, Margaret

Financial Update, June 2024

Margaret Howe, Finance Chairperson

Here I am again the last one to get my article to Brenda and Kathy – one Newsletter they are going to publish without it!!! Still recovering and doing the immediate follow up reports from Annual Conference. Now on to the business of FINANCE.

As mentioned in the last edition – our Budget is in place – we are in the second quarter of a new cash flow as significant contributions have moved to quarterly giving rather than monthly giving. This does impact the monthly reports. However it is reflected in the quarterly summary. We have adjusted some bill paying and appear to be okay – will keep you posted.

In recent months you have noticed that Lee is not at the piano. He went on an unpaid medical leave effective May 1. You will see going forward there is not expenses on the Music Director line. You will see periodic expenses on the Worship line. This is for payment to guest pianists who have played for us. You should know that most of this expense has been covered by “adopt a bill” – thank you to those people. If you would like to adopt a pianist – it is $200 per occasion – A gift of $100 or $200 certainly helps support this ministry.

You should know that Central Hudson has provided two months of actual reading for church and parsonage – that is a first in about two years – what a struggle this has been – refreshing  the needle is moving in the other direction!

I continue to encourage the use of our Online Giving System – it is quick and safe and easy to use.  We have tweaked the special giving tiles online so you may be more specific in where you want your money to go. EXAMPLE – our special JOM Offering – some folks have given. The same with the other tiles. There is also a VANCO App!

I continue to say I am hoping that during the year we might increase the amount of time our church space is wisely used. 12 Step programs are returning – although they operate differently since Covid. We have some great opportunities.

From the last Newsletter and I repeat – Sometimes my heart is financially heavy and yet my spirit full – right now they are both full – and it is – because so much still continues at NPUMC – Tai-chi, Vi Cole Study Group, Knitting Together, Weekly Prayer Hour, Fresh Food Give-a-Way, Food Supplement, Mitten Tree, Taize, Weekly Hymn-a-long, Prayer Blanket Ministry, Bible Studies, Small Group discussions, Anti-racism work, Confirmation Class, Weekly Worship, Tri Church Sunday School Studies, Adult Academy, and whatever might come to us.   

Again I close with – may we continue to be the children of God creating safe places where all are accepted and welcomed, connecting the needs of people to the presence of God and transforming the world through Christ. Let the light always glow brightly on the corner of Main and Grove where EVERYONE continues to be welcomed!

With love, Margaret

Financial Update, January 2024

Margaret Howe, Finance Chairperson

I am writing this report on Sunday afternoon after attending the Adult Academy – topic – Mental Health. I left there knowing that we at New Paltz UMC have a responsibility in making sure we all know the resources for Mental Health issues – and perhaps do some initial “mental health first aid training”. It is certainly taking up a great deal of my brain space today!

Now on to Finance – the fiscal year 2023 is complete! You should know that we met most of our expenses – did not pay Trustees the full amount budgeted. This was accomplished because commitments were made and met. We also accomplished this as our expenses were adjusted downward when New Paltz and Modena: Memorial became a charge and share in the cost for the pastor and her benefits. We had enough funds that we could pay our salaries and utilities in January. This is good.

Some highlights and comments for 2023

  • We met our 2023 Apportionment payments. We have paid our Apportionments in full for the last 14 years. This money comes back to us in many ways – one was our technology grant and another was the ability to apply for the Frontier Foundations grants.
  • Some folks continue to “Adopt a Bill” – this certainly is important to our budget. One bill that is adopted is the monthly internet bill for the church. This allows for our ability to Zoom services and meetings and small group sessions.
  • One person continues to anonymously commit to a significant amount of our Apportionments.
  • Some folks give a “13th month” commitment.
  • As we no longer do huge Fun(D) Raising events, these extra gifts are critical to our meeting the budget – thank you to all.
  • Two small – however significant “Fun(d)” Raisers:
    • Christmas Pies – not a huge amount of money – however – something important for fellowship and outreach.
    • Hats and Scarves at the PlaySchool Cookie Walk – not a huge amount of money – however – one grandmother on a fixed income buys hats for her grandchildren each year – this year she told me she added a new grandchild! That is what it is about. The unsold items become part of the hat/mitten tree.
  • There are other activities we do which are “money” – however not part of the Operating Budget –
    • 2023 Angel Tree – this was an exciting year for our Angel Tree. NPUMC provides monthly food supplements to the 25 families at the ABCD Agri-Business Child Development Center. This ministry is so essential to these families. After discussions with the ABCD Center and the folks who coordinate the Angel Tree, it was decided that for 2023 we would give each family as well as each staff person a $25 Gift Card from Shop Rite. We exceeded our goal – the extra cards were added to the food we provide to ABCD. And, most important was the gratitude and thanks from the folks at ABCD. And they were hungry and we provide food to nourish their bodies.
    • Special Sundays – we do not and we should  promote the 6 United Methodist Special Sundays – however we do have offerings to each one of them – we will do a better job in this area
    • Special Appeals and Offerings – this church is amazing – when there is a need – there is a gift(s) – Ukraine, Maui, Hurricanes and Floods – we are there
    • Supplemental Food Program and Fresh Food Give-a-Way:
      • Supplemental Food costs are about $1000 per month – this money is from the congregation, community and grants – thank you to Nani and Kathy who organize and make this program work.
      • Fresh Food Give-a-Way – the 4th Sunday of the month. It is amazing what comes each month – from so many places – so many pieces to this ministry. A huge amount of food comes from our relationship with the Ellenville UMC – they have a food delivery on a day when they cannot use it – so it comes to us. The folks who use this opportunity will find everything to have a balanced diet and some junk food too! Thanks to Linda M, Jacqui, Jason, Kathy, Carol, & Alex, and the guys who bring the tables up each month Tom and Matt!

This summer the Finance Committee took the time to totally update and revise the New Paltz United Methodist Church Financial Policies and Procedures. This document is very inclusive and of course a “living document”. It was reviewed by the entire Finance Committee and Administrative Board. Great work and an important task completed.

The 2024 Stewardship Campaign info did not go out in December as anticipated – hopefully you will receive it as you receive this Newsletter. A big thank you to those who made a commitment in the past and we hope you will make a commitment again in 2024.  We have edited our Online Giving so that you can be more specific about your Online Gifts. We also added the Vanco App which you may download to make payments from your phone.

Some good news is that 12 step groups have returned to our church for their weekly meetings. My thought is that we could have more people using our church for meetings – either on a regular basis or a one-time situation. We have a great concert space for small concerts and should be looking for the opportunity for this kind of use. There is currently some work/talk being done for some concerts in the new year. And there is some talk of some children events for the spring.

Sometimes my heart is financially heavy and yet my spirit full – and it is – because so much still continues at NPUMC – Tai-chi, Vi Cole Study Group, Knitting Together, Weekly Prayer Hour, Fresh Food Give-a-Way, Food Supplement, Mitten Tree, Taize, Weekly Hymn-a-long, Prayer Blanket Ministry, Bible Studies, Small Group discussions, Anti-racism work, Confirmation Class, Weekly Worship, Tri Church Sunday School Studies, Adult Academy, and whatever might come to us. 

And I close each time with, may we continue to be the children of God creating safe places where all are accepted and welcomed, connecting the needs of people to the presence of God and transforming the world through Christ. Let the light always glow brightly on the corner of Main and Grove!              

With love, Margaret

Financial Update, November 2023

Margaret Howe, Finance Chairperson

We have just completed our 2023 Charge Conference. This year it opened with our District Superintendent, Rev Karen Monk and all that she brings to wonderful worship. Members of all 12 Hudson Valley Parish churches were in attendance. Worship was followed by the individual church meetings to elect leadership, approve pastor compensation, receive/review reports from all of the committees and ministries and much more. I am always a bit disappointed but not surprised at the attendance/participation at this meeting.

Some Finance highlights for 2023:

  • Through September we have met monthly expenses with the exception of Apportionments and quarterly payments to the Trustees. Apportionments are the money assessed to NPUMC for the costs of doing business as the United Methodist Church.  We have paid our Apportionments in full for the last 13 years. This money comes back to us in many ways – one was our technology grant and another was the ability to apply for the Frontier Foundations grants. We will pay our full Apportionments in 2023 – however likely not to make our full payment to the Trustees.
  • In July we became part of a Charge – New Paltz UMC and Modena: Memorial, pastored by Rev. Limina Grace Harmon. New Paltz is responsible for 69% of those costs related to the pastor and the parsonage monthly expenses. This is a financial benefit to both churches and is working well.
  • We asked folks to think about “Adopting a Bill”. Throughout the year folks have adopted bills usually with a gift that can be applied wherever it is needed. One member adopted the monthly internet bill. This year the elevator maintenance bill was adopted in full.
  • I think we are all aware that the majority of our fun(d) raising events involve food. Our in person feeding ministry/mission is what has been “on hold” – and will likely continue to be.  However we have been blessed to be a church with ongoing food ministries that have continued – Food Supplement and 4th Sunday Fresh Food Give-a-Way successfully continue.  However this December we will have two mini fun(d) raisers: December 9th Nani and Margaret will sell hats, mittens, scarves at the PlaySchool’s outdoor Cookie Walk. Later in December the kitchen will smell of apple pies – for sale – watch for the apple pie order form.
  • We very much appreciate those who made a commitment for 2023 and are keeping that commitment current – often hard to see on a month by month basis as some folks give monthly and others quarterly in addition to those who give weekly.  OnLine giving continues to be a vital way to make a gift to NPUMC. Several families give OnLine.  A week does not go by without a gift from someone who is new to one of our remote platforms or has watched the Wednesday Hymn-a-Long or monthly Taize.  Here is the OnLine giving link if you want to make an extra gift – Online Giving – New Paltz United Methodist Church (
    • Same as  last year in order to assure we will meet our budget we are inviting you to make a 13th month gift or a designated gift to Apportionments
  • We will/did not adopt a budget at the November Charge Conference – will do in January. Our financial stewardship campaign for 2024 is divided into three parts
    •  those who look for the annual letter to make their commitment, often with a slight increase
    • those who no longer use checks and or cash but instead use “apps” on their phones
    • those who have a relationship with NPUMC in some fashion and may wish to make a donation/gift to the church.

Three very different groups of persons who are wanting to give in the way that is comfortable for them – we truly are in the world of “both/and” and they are right! It is anticipated these letters will go out during November.

  • This summer the Finance Committee took the time to totally update and revise the New Paltz United Methodist Church Financial Policies and Procedures. This document is very inclusive and of course a “living document”. It was reviewed by the entire Finance Committee and Administrative Board. Great work and an important task completed.
  • Some good news is that 12 step groups have returned to our church for their weekly meetings. My thought is that we could have more people using our church for meetings – either on a regular basis or a one-time situation. We have a great concert space for small concerts and should be looking for the opportunity for this kind of use. There is currently some work/talk being done for some concerts in the new year.

I repeat – earlier in the year we started some discussions on financial visioning and in my opinion had some good discussions – however we have not followed through. I think some of this is because the conversations were/are difficult and require some deep thinking and research and prayers. Let’s try again! Please put it on your calendar – January 20th for our “Try again financial visioning discussion”.

Sometimes my heart is financially heavy and yet my spirit full – and it is – because so much still continues at NPUMC – Tai-chi, Vi Cole Study Group, Knitting Together, Fresh Food Give-a-Way, NPUMC Vegetable garden, Food Supplement, Mitten Tree, Taize, Weekly Hymn-s-long, Monday Morning Prayer Group, Prayer Blanket Ministry, Bible Studies, Small Group discussions, Anti-racism work, Confirmation Class, Weekly Worship, Tri Church Sunday School Studies, Adult Academy, and whatever might come to us.

May we continue to be the children of God creating safe places where all are accepted and welcomed, connecting the needs of people to the presence of God and transforming the world through Christ.  Let the light always glow brightly on the corner of Main and Grove!

With love, Margaret

Financial Update, September 2023

Margaret Howe, Finance Chairperson

Summer is almost over by the date on the calendar – however the temperatures are not yet sure!

As you all know, Pastor Grace added Modena to her portfolio and now preaches at both churches each Sunday – that is why sometimes she needs to leave quickly after New Paltz worship.

How does this new appointment impact our New Paltz financial overview? After reviewing the compensation package and the statistics from each church, New Paltz will pay 69% and Modena 31% of those pieces which are shared. What is shared: Salary, Health, Pension, and Parsonage Expenses. New Paltz is the billing church for the above expenses. The Modena expenses will not be part of our local church budget and monthly financial reports. However, they will be paid by us with an additional tracking for the Modena church. Each month Modena sends a check for the fixed expenses (salary, health, pension). Each month I send an invoice to Modena for the parsonage expenses (electric, gas, water, internet/phone, furnace maintenance, etc) and Modena sends us a check. During the first two months – July and August – this worked out very well.

This change has resulted in our monthly expenses being slightly reduced each month. We need to be good stewards of this relief for us. This summer we fell behind in our committed income. I am hoping and expecting this will be made up during the fall.

As you know, we currently do not do any big “fund raisers”. Last year the opportunity existed to purchase soup each month – we make for the fresh food give-a-way and if you want you can order. I believe this will happen again this fall. Last year we had pie sales – especially for Thanksgiving and Christmas – perhaps this will happen again this year and we could increase the sales. However all of this will only happen if we have the help to make it happen.

In recent years, we have invited you to give via “adopt a bill”. We have one person who each month gives to pay for the church internet – so we can have our zoom on Sunday mornings. We have one person who adopts the annual elevator maintenance – so we can be sure to be handicapped accessible from the sanctuary to the social hall. Is there a bill you would consider adopting – annual furnace maintenance, a gas bill – especially in the winter, electric bill, quarterly water bill. There is always a gift to our apportionment payments. We are not desperate – however we are not as comfortable as we should be.

Some good news is that 12 step groups have started to return to our church for their weekly meetings. My thought is that we could have more people using our church for meetings – either on a regular basis or a one time situation. We have not had a concert in our building since before COVID. Camerata will not be returning as they have determined not to continue as an organization – we have over 20 years of annual concerts from Camerata Chorale. The Poné Ensemble has not returned to the sanctuary. We have a great concert space for small concerts and should be looking for the opportunity for this kind of use.

We know how important we are on this corner of Main and Grove. It is visible at the monthly Fresh Food Give-a-way. Ask those who fellowshipped at the August event. It is visible when we see people stop and rest at the picnic tables on the church lawn. It is visible with new families with children who have entered our community on Sunday morning. It is visible with the new monthly young persons group. It is visible with the monthly food supplement to seniors and the ABC Center. It is visible with the winter mitten tree on the corner. It is visible with the networking our pastor does in the community. It is visible – the light is visible – let us make sure we work to keep it so!

Earlier in the year, we started some discussions on financial visioning and, in my opinion, had some good discussions – however we have not followed through. I think some of this is because the conversations were/are difficult and require some deep thinking and research and prayers. Let’s try again!

May we continue to be the children of God creating safe places where all are accepted and welcomed, connecting the needs of people to the presence of God, and transforming the world through Christ. Let the light glow brightly!

With love, Margaret

Financial Update, June 2023

Margaret Howe, Finance Chairperson

It is almost summer – I begin this report on the day after Annual Conference. I was not able to go – as many of you know I begin cancer treatments this week – it is a long story – hoping that these treatments will do the work and those little cancer cells which have spread will disappear – prayers appreciated. I will continue to carry on with my daily activities – might have to take a few more naps! Enough about that! Let’s move on.

As you know, effective July 1 Pastor Grace will be adding Modena Memorial UMC to her portfolio. At Annual Conferences Bishop Bickerton appointed all pastors to not only the churches but to the community. And we all know Pastor Grace and the New Paltz church are very involved in the Community

What does this new appointment do to our New Paltz financial overview? Pastor Grace has been given a salary which covers the two churches. DS Karen Monk, the SPR Chairs and the Treasurers of the two churches met to review the compensation package.  DS Monk wanted both churches to know that Pastor Grace is a full time pastor for both churches. What impacts us financially is that the compensation package is split between the two churches. This was determined by reviewing all of the statistics of the two churches. New Paltz will pay 70% of the salary and health insurance and pension while Modena will pay 30%. New Paltz will serve as the billing church – Modena will provide a check to New Paltz for their portions. In addition Modena will pay towards the parsonage utilities. Pastor Grace’s reimbursement account will be as she spends the money and paid by the specific church for its purpose. The two treasurers are meeting later in June to set up all of the particulars and see no concerns. This change to the salary and benefit costs will reduce our budget a bit.  It now becomes our job to be sure we manage these resources properly. I will give you numeric details in the next Newsletter and the July Treasurer’s Report. Prayers to Pastor Grace in this new role and to the congregations of New Paltz and Modena

Now, in the meantime, thank you to those who have continued your financial support of our New Paltz congregation. Please continue to keep your commitments current – especially as we enter the summer months.

May we continue to be the children of God creating safe places where all are accepted and welcomed, connecting the needs of people to the presence of God and transforming the world through Christ.  

With love, Margaret

Financial Update, March 2023

Margaret Howe, Finance Chairperson

Happy Spring – I am writing this on Monday afternoon – just before the season changes to spring – and well after the due date the Newsletter committee wanted it.

The message for the new year – is that we at New Paltz UMC are so rich in so many things. As you know I preached this past Sunday – and struggled and rambled about how I was working through the Lenten Series of Transfiguration and Transformation. And so I see our church Finance going through this same process. We will work and watch and listen and learn to see how NPUMC can live into the changing of the vessel and the essence of what financial stewardship will look like over this year and beyond.

At the last Administrative Council Meeting, we approved the 2023 Operating Budget. It does have a deficit – although not as large as last year. We did not eliminate any budget lines and there were increases in the pastor salary and certainly utility costs. And, the bright spot is that several of you increased your committed giving for the year.

The visioning and doing and dreaming and changing of some paradigms (hmmmm – transfiguration and transformation – the vessel and the essence) will make us stronger and more focused on the mission and ministries of what makes us who we are and want to be – children of God – creating safe places where all are accepted and welcomed, connecting the needs of people to the presence of God and transforming the world through Christ (the NYAC Mission Statement).   

A very short message about a very important topic.  I love my church and I am committed – hope you will join me – as together we build the Body of Christ.

With love, Margaret

Financial Update, January 2023

Greetings beloved members and friends of New Paltz UMC. We made it through the financial calendar year 2022. It really is not easy writing about finances – churches do not like to talk about money – and yet we always need money for the missions and ministries of our church.  And so I repeat … How do you begin an article on finance time after time – when the message is often that we need more money – which is true – however the important message is that we are VERY RICH!  And the attitude must be one of plenty and not scarcity. 

At the end of this message, there is the Treasurer’s Report for 2022. As I said in previous articles, we would meet or close the gaps if certain things took place. We ended the year with a small surplus which becomes the money to pay salaries in January. Our Expenses were below what was estimated because we did not pay the Trustees their full amount; Pastor Grace did not need her full reimbursement amount. This amounted to $7,350 which was almost the amount of the surplus. On the income side, the committed dollars were about $10,000 below the budget. We had folks unable to complete their committed giving. However, the identified giving (not committed money) and the adopt-a-bill made up that difference exceeding what had been budgeted. In addition, we had several members who gave to make sure our Apportionments to the Annual Conference were paid. So, in summary we did okay. We had approved a $10,551 deficit budget and ended the year with $7,122.

What I have to say here and now is – we have approved a deficit budget for the last several years. That is not healthy – nor is it sustainable over time – and the time is now to address these issues.  I suspect we will adopt a deficit budget for 2023.

The important issue is that we are talking about this and have embarked on a Financial Visioning outlook for New Paltz UMC – where we will look at long and short term ways we can create revenue streams to make sure that we remain on the corner of Main and Grove for years to come.  This visioning and doing and dreaming and changing of some paradigms will make us stronger and more focused on the mission and ministries of what makes us who we are and want to be – children of God – creating safe places where all are accepted and welcomed, connecting the needs of people to the presence of God and transforming the world through Christ (the NYAC Mission Statement).

I love my church and I am committed!

With love, Margaret

Financial Update, November 2022

It really is not easy writing about finances – churches do not like to talk about money – and yet we always need money for the missions and ministries of our church.  And so I repeat … How do you begin an article on finance time after time – when the message is often that we need more money – which is true – however the important message is that we are VERY RICH!  And the attitude must be one of plenty and not scarcity. 

I said in the July Newsletter that by this time I hope the gap to the end of the year is at least planned.  That gap will be met if:

  • Folks meet the commitments made to the budget
  • Folks continue to think about adopting a bill
    • Internet has been adopted for the whole year
    • Elevator/Lift yearly maintenance was adopted
    • Adopt money for whatever bill in various months
    • November Liability Payment was adopted
  • Apportionment Commitment
    • One individual committed $8000 to Apportionments over the year and that will be fulfilled
    • Other gifts to Apportionments have been received
  • Here is where you could help to assure our Apportionments are met – make a “13th month commitment” and target it to Apportionments

Currently we are not doing any meals at the church – and we all miss eating and fellowshipping together – and we all know that those gatherings for food were also ways income was added to the church budget. Know that we are rethinking how to make up that loss of revenue.  There might be something coming in December – keep your eyes alert for the news!

As we move into 2023 we will have a Financial Stewardship Campaign in January as we have done the last few years – this is to identify that which you commit to the Operating Budget for the year 2023.  Details of that will come with the event.

Now the challenging part – those fun(d) raising dollars!  What should they be and what would they look like. It is time to think about finances with both short and long term goals – always keeping mission and ministry in the forefront. There was a long – serious – productive discussion at the November Ad Board Meeting.  NPUMC will take a deep dive into financial discussions as a WHOLE CONGREGATION – Saturday, January 21 has been reserved for a “day of financial visioning and financial stewardship”. We will discuss long and short term goals – look at some models of doing finance work differently – have an opportunity for your craziest idea to be out on paper – a time to dream – both realistic dreams and perhaps putting some legs on those crazy dreams!  Please do come and be part of this adventure.

Remember we are part of a Cooperative Parish and have observed that there are many possibilities! We are in a different place and time! We will be doing more with the churches in our Cooperative Parish! And who knows what that future will feature! Let’s be sure we have our eyes and minds and ears and hearts open to what the Lord presents to us! And so…keeping alive our Wesleyan heritage of doing no harm, doing good and staying in love with God.  Mark your calendars – we will gather together to ask the Lord’s blessings on NPUMC and keep the lights glowing on the corner of Main and Grove.

Financial Update, July 2022

from Margaret Howe, NPUMC Financial Secretary

I could begin this article with the same first two paragraphs as the last newsletter – so I will…..

How do you begin an article on finance time after time – when the message is often that we need more money – which is true – however the important message is that we are VERY RICH!  And the attitude must be one of plenty and not scarcity. 

Our income at the moment is entirely from US – you and me – the members and friends of New Paltz United Methodist Church. And, we are doing okay.  We are not current with commitments, however, I have faith that those gifts will come.

We do need to think about filling the gap – what might that be?

We continue to have some folks who Adopt a Bill each month and we do have some beyond the $600 per month pledge to Apportionments.  We are at the 6 month look and I do not want to get to October and November and not have that gap planned.  I encourage all who made a commitment to make sure you are current. 

Here is the challenge: if you have an idea about a fun(d) raiser, email to the church the idea and how you think it might work.  When received the finance team will review and then present to the administrative board and we will see what happens!

Here is challenge #2: we are in need of really cleaning things up and out at church.  I think there may still be boxes of books from previous book sales stored (if I am wrong and there are not then this is not a challenge).  Let’s bring those books up on the lawn on a designated day and have a book sale.  Cost would be donation.  At the end all books will be donated to library fairs or disposed of properly.  The result: a wee bit of money and less stuff! If we have these books we need to set a date and MUST have volunteers to do the lifting and moving.  I can be a volunteer on the lawn, I physically cannot lift.  Thoughts as we care for our church.  Perhaps we could sell a picnic lunch on the lawn that day?

We are in a different place and time! We will be doing more with the churches in our Cooperative Parish! And who knows what that future will feature! Let’s be sure we have our eyes and minds and ears and hearts open to what the Lord presents to us!

As John Wesley says and we say too

            Do no harm, do good, and stay in love with God.

Financial Update, May 2022

from Margaret Howe, NPUMC Financial Secretary

How do you begin an article on finance time after time – when the message is often that we need more money – which is true – however the important message is that we are VERY RICH!  And the attitude must be one of plenty and not scarcity. 

Our income at the moment is entirely from US – you and me – the members and friends of New Paltz United Methodist Church. And, we are doing okay.  We are not current with commitments, however, I have faith that those gifts will come.

The cash flow for the Operating Budget is in satisfactory condition because over the years we have been good stewards of our financial gifts to New Paltz United Methodist Church.  And we have an amazing Planned Giving design/strategy.  Thank you Dan Ruback for your smart care of our financial gifts over the years which allows us to see some benefits each year without disturbing the investments.  I do not know many small churches who have what we have.  Interested in making the church part of your will; interested in gifting some of your annual required IRA withdrawal to the church; interested in knowing some of your options, speak to Dan.

The above being said – that cash does not continue for the whole year.  So, we will continue to look at what fund raising might happen – as food ministry at New Paltz UMC has taken a different and VERY important and beneficial road.  Thank you Food Supplement Program and Fresh Food Giveway – and our new garden at Jackson’s property.

A few people asked me about our Central Hudson bill – with all the news about Central Hudson’s billing system issues.  Yes, we are/were a victim of improper billing – in addition to the increased costs that Central Hudson predicted.  Currently we are in the recovery mode!

A bit about the Ukraine money you have gifted.  As the last Newsletter noted, there are two areas where money could be donated – and 100% of the money goes to Ukraine.  Through March and April you had donated $1025 for Ukraine – I divided the amount equally between the two.  Thank you for your gifts!

And the scripture for us might be Philippians 4:6  – Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God………May it be so……

Financial Update, March 2022

from Margaret Howe, NPUMC Financial Secretary

I began my last Financial Update with “thank you – thank you – thank you” and I begin this one the same way. The thank you is for your response to our yearly Financial Stewardship Campaign. It was successful! We have folks committing for the first time – we have folks who increased commitments and we have the strong and steady group of committed givers. Your commitments totaled $97,780. NPUMC did approve for 2022 a deficit budget. The deficit is $10,500 which is the amount we usually bring in with Fun(d) Raising events. At the moment, we have not restored our fund-raising events and are still working on creative ways to do ministry and mission which has a financial by-product.  If each of you is able to keep current on your commitments, we can remain strong and then seek what we need.  You have been so very generous. We are a bright spot on the corner of Main and Grove.  Thank you.

The Finance Committee and Administrative Board will keep a watchful and prayerful eye on our operating finances. I can hear and see Fran Hasbrouck and Selden Spencer – they were always optimistic about finances – I pray that they look down on us with smiles for what we are doing at NPUMC – it is good!

As you may have heard Repair Café is doing a major fund-raising event at the church in late April – a rummage sale! There is lots of advertising out there and this is being organized by others – we provide the space. The purpose is to raise funds to hire someone to replace the organizing work that our beloved John Wackman did. And Repair Café will be giving the church a fee for using the space – it is fair and good. In addition, we, the church, will do some sort of concession that day – details still being developed – and the income will be for NPUMC. So…. come and support both Repair Café and NPUMC – it is good!

Twelve Step groups are beginning to ask about coming back. One has returned. A second one will start up or may have started as you are reading this. Over the two years of COVID, the 12 step groups have found some innovative ways to stay together – and yes they have become zoom experts. The fact that our church is internet connected means they can do zoom meetings from our space as well – it is good!

The Trustees are holding their annual “No Dinner Chicken Dinner” – this is to remind you that you can make your donation OnLine – or invite your friends to make it OnLine. When the question is asked where you want your money to go click “Fun(d) Raising” and the money will go directly to the Trustees. This is an important event for the Trustees – not the Operating Budget – however we are all in this together – it is good!

COVID is still here and it looks like COVID issues will be part of everything we do. However, more importantly, it is that we are still here…we are still doing God’s work – all of us – it is good!

Spring is approaching – and Carol Bialy and friends will be planting in the garden to produce the summer “fresh food”.  Want to help them weed?  Nice weather is coming – maybe some worship on the lawn?  Just because it is summer – do not put your knitting needles away – we need to replenish the Mitten Tree box for next year – maybe an evening of knitting on the lawn? I could go on and on – will stop rambling.  I love my church and church family! As we vision – let us be open to the spirit blowing the winds of God’s love and light and ideas – it is good!

With Gratitude and Thanksgiving,

Financial Update, January 2022

from Margaret Howe, NPUMC Financial Secretary

Thank you – thank you – thank you. We completed our 2021 finance obligations with success! All of our bills were paid.  You stepped to the plate and we were able to pay our apportionments in full.  We were able to give the Trustees half of what we anticipated giving them.  I will give you some statistics later.  It was a difficult financial year for New Paltz UMC as well as with most churches as we all worked through and worshipped through COVID.

COVID – we had hoped was “going away” and then the variants appeared – Delta and Omicron – and the issues began again – we had opened for in person worship – then closed and reopened – and on Christmas Eve closed again.  And, through it all so much happened – 

– we are doing ministry and mission work here on the corner of Main and Grove.

We have continued and continue to upgrade our technology – in the sanctuary for worship and in the building.  Thanks go to Linda Mellor for doing the work and to the Annual Conference and individual financial gifts for the allowing the purchase of equipment.  Linda does want and needs someone to become a techie and her backup.  Let us know!

What we have not been able to do during the past two years of COVID and for the foreseeable future is our in person/onsite food ministries, which are also fund raisers.  Our concern and care for the safety of ourselves and guests is the reason.  And, this is where we saw the financial gap.

Only one of our 12 Step groups has returned.  Camerata Chorale and Poné have not done any concerts in the last two years.  PlaySchool is not yet to full capacity and as they return they will go back to their normal maintenance fee. 

We continue to receive income from monies invested by our Trustees.  We are very fortunate to have Trustees who understand how to invest so that we have money for big projects like roof replacements or heating plant work.  And, that a piece of the investment plan and formulas provide yearly income to the operating budget.  When Dan Ruback wants to talk about Planned Giving – pay attention!  We have been the beneficiaries of many wonderful gifts.  The annual amount to the Operating Budget was critical to us these last two years.

A success for NPUMC was creating the OnLine Giving opportunities through VANCO! Regular giving and gifts can now be done via a bank account or credit card online through a safe and secure company.  Some data:

  • 15% of the 2021 committed giving was done online. 
  • In addition, over $5000 of gifts were given by “new givers” over the year, people who have now joined us as regular worshippers or appreciated the hymn-a-longs or Taizé or joined a study. 
  • In some cases, former members who have moved away are participating in the NPUMC ministries. 

This is all good and perhaps would never have happened!

In addition to your annual commitments to the church budget – for 2021 the commitment from the stewardship campaign was $86,000The actual amount received was $81,173 or 94% of what was committed.  In a COVID year – thank you.  The money not received was a result of circumstances we could not control.  In addition to this commitment many of you “adopted a bill” ($5609) and gave “an Apportionment gift” ($5450) – thank you. These commitments and extra gifts remind me that we are living our “membership commitment” which says “….will you be loyal to the United Methodist Church and uphold it by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your services and your witness.”  We at NPUMC are doing all of this!!!!

We are now in 2022 and COVID is still among us.  The Finance Committee and Administrative Board have been discussing the Operating Budget and how we will manage this year.  Soon, you will receive your 2021 Statement and the 2022 Financial Stewardship Letter with a request for your 2022 Commitment.  Once we know the commitment level for 2022, we can make some decisions concerning our financial outlook for the year. 

COVID has certainly an impact on all things financial.  Please look at your commitment opportunity and find some time to be in prayer as you make your decisions for NPUMC in 2022.  What is that right scripture – which reflects our thanks – our concerns – our joys – how is God asking us to be in mission and ministry on the corner of Main and Grove. And so….

2 Corinthians 9:7 Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. Amen.