Fulton Cox Day

Come and join us on the lawn at 1 Grove Street New Paltz, NY – New Paltz United Methodist Church, Sunday, June 16, 1 pm help Dr. Margaret Wade-Lewis Black History Cultural Center and New Paltz United Methodist Church celebrate the lives of Fulton and Jane Cox. The Coxes lived in New Paltz approximately 1868 – 1893. During their lives, they were pillars of New Paltz society. They contributed to New Paltz’s religious, civic, political, social and economic life. Their lives exemplified Methodist Connexion as members and benefactors of both the African American Methodist Episcopal Zion and Methodist Episcopal Churches of New Paltz.

Cox Day is the opening event of New Paltz Juneteenth Jubilee. Celebration continues on Wednesday, June 19, with 10 AM Commemoration Ceremony at New Paltz Rural Cemetery, followed by lunch, music, speakers, dancers and more on the lawn at Historic Huguenot Street.