The NYAC is recommending two relief efforts through
Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church
UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief).
*** 100% of your donation reaches your chosen mission project or ministry ***
Use the links below to donate directly
write a check to NPUMC with Ukraine / Advance # in memo field
(if Advance # not specified donations will be split between the two)
Advance #14053A: Eurasia In Mission Together – Ukraine and Moldova
Donations to this Advance account will be quickly transferred to the bank account
of the UMC of Ukraine, which has a system in place to retrieve these donations,
put them to immediate use, and provide reporting on the usage of these funds.
To donate, go to: Eurasia in Mission Together
Advance #982450: UMCOR International Disaster Response
Donations to this Advance account will be directed to UMCOR, which is
already partnering with agencies on the ground in Eastern and
Central Europe to assist those displaced by the fighting.
To donate, go to: UMCOR International Disaster Response
Donations to this account should be designated “for Ukraine”.