NPUMC seeks to live Christ’s words to love one another. This desire takes many forms in this congregation . The Care Team is one of those. It is an effort to help us share our needs and share our abilities to meet those needs. In the fall of 2019, the congregation became part of the Care Team through a survey which helped us begin to loosely organize. It has meant providing meals, transportation, encouragement, food, phone calls, notes, household help, painting….whatever is needed and we can do.
Covid-19 certainly has been a challenge to our in person contact. We continue to support and encourage each other, we continue to provide transportation, meals and other assistance as much as possible and still be in compliance with safety protocols.
Coved-19 also caused us to be creative in finding ways to stay connected. In the Spring, Care Team organized several ‘calling days’ and it seemed all of us were making and/ or receiving telephone calls to stay in touch. We were also encouraged to send a card or note to someone. Many of these connections have continued and in many ways the congregation has continued to stay connected, stay ‘ in touch’ and be available to support and encourage each other.
The latest Care Team adventure is the church newsletter. Years ago, NPUMC had a newsletter called The Messenger. The current newsletter is a direct result of the congregation survey conducted by the Care Team a year ago. Sue Ulrich put forth the newsletter concept as a need and said she would work on it. The response to the first newsletter was very enthusiastic. The second newsletter is in the works, scheduled to be circulated in mid-November, before Thanksgiving.
Care Team is all of us caring, praying, listening, considering needs and thinking of ways to meet those needs. God is faithful; we are grateful for that and for each other.