One of the heartwarming (and head, neck and hand warming) sights at the corner of Grove and Main streets in New Paltz is the mitten tree. For years, the mitten tree has been festooned with handmade hats, scarves and mittens created by members of the NPUMC community.
In 2015, after selling lots and lots at the Alternative Giving Fair—a NPUMC fair focused on giving—and giving hats, mittens and scarves away, there were still many left over.
What to do with them? Margaret Howe remembered that her grandmother, who had taught her to knit all those years ago, had started a mitten tree ministry at their church in Pleasant Valley. Main Street in New Paltz seemed a perfect place. Working with Pastor Bette and Linda Mellor, the mitten tree ministry was born.
Hats, mittens and scarves are packaged with prayer in clear plastic bags. A card for the recipient, saying we care about them and the item was given with love, is enclosed and the bag is hung on the tree. That first year, approximately 200 packages were knitted, crocheted, or donated and given away. While we cannot know all the people who benefit, Margaret and I have had conversations with folks who have expressed their appreciation.
And so, it continues. There have been many knitters and donators over the years. Currently, the majority of the knitting is done by Margaret, Nani Bautochka, Linda Mellor, and Suzanne Welch. They knit all year long, share patterns and would be happy to have you join this effort. They are great teachers and very supportive of all efforts. If knitting or crocheting is not your thing, you may want to purchase and donate an item.
Everyone is invited to contribute a hat, scarf and/or mittens. If you want to contribute, leave your donation at the church or on the parsonage porch.
If you are in need, check out the tree and take what you need.
The ministry continues sharing warmth and love with the greater New Paltz community. In addition to the tree, this season NPUMC has donated handmade hats, mittens and scarves to the Samsonville/Olivebridge United Methodist Church 24 hour pantry and to the Afghan refugees living in Ulster County.
And remember Zoom Knitting Together…once a month. Contact the church and we will send you the link. Knitting and crocheting…A Spiritual Discipline…A Joy…A Ministry…Fun!!