From our TRUSTEES:
The No Dinner Chicken Dinner has become a very popular way for the NPUMC Trustees to raise money for essential building repairs and maintenance. While Trustees deal with maintenance throughout the year, in the Spring we do a complete building walk-around and identify needed repairs and projects.
NPUMC used to have a corned beef and cabbage dinner, sometime around St. Patrick’s Day each year, to raise needed Trustee funds… lots of potato peeling, preparation and clean-up. Then, it seemed lots of places were doing corned beef and cabbage dinners, so we switched to having a chicken dinner sometime in the Spring. We had several years of terrific chicken dinners! Thank you Linda Mellor and crew for all that work! Times change, lifestyles change. Church dinners no longer fit into many of our lifestyles. Not only the work… although peeling 70 pounds of potatoes is noteworthy… but the scheduling, the family demands, needing to be here and there.
The Trustees recognized these changes… what stayed the same was and is the need for funds for essential maintenance and repairs. So, the idea for The No Dinner Chicken Dinner was hatched! (Sorry, I could not resist.) Transition… transition… transition… Open to new ideas and new ways. The first chicken saving non-dinner was in 2018. This has been very popular raising several thousand dollars each year to complete projects like repairing the lift, the boiler, and the sanctuary ceiling. This winter, it was necessary to clean out and replace a sewer line at a cost of $5,648!
Now, for 2022, repairs and projects are still needed to maintain the building and property as we start to welcome people back in person.
So….. No set up… No potato peeling and other prep work… No clean-up… No juggling schedules to try to show up… No animals harmed….
YES to the need for folks to give money. Whether you give by check, on-line, or cash, please be sure to designate your contribution for the Trustees’ fund.
Have a great Spring! As you do home Spring chores, see a chicken or a little marshmallow peep… think No Dinner Chicken Dinner and please make a donation.