Jacqueline Vedder
January 2025

When asked to write about Prayer Group, I was hesitant at first. One’s communion with God is a deeply personal and profound thing, therefore I felt, who am I to comment on what it means to someone else? However, as a witness to our small, but important group, I feel I can offer some insight as to what goes on there.
We meet in the quiet room at the back of the sanctuary on Monday mornings at 8 AM or on zoom for those who wish to connect remotely. There is a single candle lit in the center of our small circle, the glow emanating from it reminding us the spirit is near. Participants in the group may say it is a time to recognize God’s presence and benevolence, as well as acknowledge that his love is a foundation for comfort and healing. We also marvel at the beauty of his magnificence and wonder in the world, identifying God is in us, we are in him and he is in nature. There is an understanding that he guides us, allowing us to feel seen and heard in our communities and forgiven when we go astray.
Prayer Group is a sacred space and time to remember God’s love and take it with us into the week ahead. This allows us to be gentler and kinder to ourselves and others. During stressful moments in our lives, we can reflect back on our time in group and remember we are not alone, and peace resides within us. We get to choose how to react to the circumstances we must confront in life with God’s help. These mindful moments during group allow us to set the tone and intention for the week.