Social Justice
Stations of the Cross
During Lent 2021, we created and displayed a series of banners on our church lawn recognizing the Stations of the Cross and Jesus’ journey through the last 24 hours of his life. Each station focused on a current social justice issue, its impacts, our prayers, and suggestions for ways we could respond. Each station was supported by a corresponding web page with more details, research from our church members, and links to additional resources. While some of this information has quickly become dated, the issues all still need our continued attention, focus, and prayers.
Social Justice
Stations of the Resurrection
We then extended these Lenten Stations of the Cross into the Easter Season by creating corresponding Stations of the Resurrection. Everyone was invited to travel the path again, this time experiencing the resurrection stories leading up to Pentecost. Each station entered back into the social justice issue, this time finding Easter signs of hope and new life while recognizing that we still have much work to do.